I am committed to helping young men and women bridge the gap between their education and careers.

The truth is, none of us can wait around to find the right opportunity to come knocking on our doors. We have to be proactive and steadfast with our professional goals. So many of us want to take charge of our careers but don’t know where to start. I TRULY believe that dream jobs are achievable despite our GPAs, hardships, where we went to school, or any professional blind spots.


Our Services

If you are ready to make your dreams come true, you have come to the right place. Get in touch with me and discover the wide range of services I offer to help you accomplish your goals!!

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What Is Mod10?

It all started with an idea I had when I was thirteen years old. I wanted to help people my age become the best versions of themselves…

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Mod10 Blog

Love reading? Learn more about all things career development on the Mod10 blog!

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“Izzy is an amazingly supportive person. She helped me find my first full-time position out of college. She also reached out to me and provided guidance throughout my application process. During interviews, I was able to reach out to her for moral support. I am currently employed and developing myself professionally thanks to Izzy! Now I have my foot in the door at an amazing company! I cannot recommend Mod10 services enough. There is no one more dedicated to helping someone grow personally and professionally than her.”

— Haleh Ghaffari